Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Dear Chicago.

Hello Internetsters! Well, the family holidays have come and gone and we all survived. This year doesn't feel like as much of a let-down as it has in the past though. I have something wonderful to look forward to in the next 3 weeks. Starting fresh in a new city with a new career path and new people. Dear Chicago....

I wonder what this new city will be for me. Part of me hates the idea of going back to the midwest and fears getting stuck there. I never wanted to end up in a place so land-locked. To me, Chicago was the default city for most of my high school and I vowed never to follow that path. I haven't though, I guess. My path took my to RI and NY before landing back there. I think it makes it a little more ok for me now that my family is not in IL anymore. It's not as if I'm moving "home." I'm moving to another great city with tons to offer. NY, Chicago... next maybe Austin, LA, or San Francisco? Have I ever gotten 'stuck' anywhere in my life? No. It will be wonderful to be surrounded by a network of connections. With so many high school and college friends & acquaintances there, it will be much easier to build a social network and life. Of course who am I kidding, there are those few high school characters that might ruin my day or night if I happen to run into them. But hey, we're all adults. ... I will still avoid them at all costs.

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