Friday, December 11, 2009


The dreams were out to get me last night. An entire night of dreaming of "Gaylord" makes for a super shit-tastic morning. These dreams weren't so satisfying as the Gaylord cereal box dream though. This time, I was witnessing the new and nauseating relationship between Gaylord and his 22 year old fling (We'll call her "Candy"). Yes, in my supposedly restful hours, I went to a gallery opening only to run into Gaylord and all his friends. Of course Candy was there on his arm looking extra candy-licious. I also had to ride a bus to some irritating destination sitting behind them. Then I found myself at a birthday party for one of Gaylord's friends and who shows up?? Gaylord! Talking on and on about his puke-tastic love for Candy. In this scene, Candy showed up a few minutes later and I actually got the chance to drag her down into a raunchy girl fight! The feeling of dream Elle slapping Candy square across the face with all the force of ten burly werewolves was.... just phenomenal.
Moments later, while I was still pounding into her with the passion and fury that only a dream can deliver, I awoke. The feeling of satisfaction immediately vanished, and my rational mind started pounding on the door of my emotional mind telling me to calm the fuck down! In my non-dream reality I remembered that I've never actually had the balls to hit someone and that I would never really choose to unleash that ferocious anger onto Candy in real life. Despite her barely legal age and the disgust I feel for her actions that led to her stealing my man's heart... Candy is cool. That is the rankest, most heinous part of this equation. If she hadn't stolen my heart and soul when she took my love away, I would probably be good friends with her. Isn't that just disgusting!? I can't even hate her! In fact, she really reminds me so much of myself. I'm sure Gaylord doesn't realize this, but Candy and I are so alike in so many ways. I'm pretty sure Gaylord never really knew my true personality though, so probably he wouldn't agree with that statement.

Oh... life and love.. it just isn't fair.

What IS fair though, is that I made TWO more sales last night on Etsy! ElseyBows (GoldenGray) & (SkyBubbly) are sold and sent away! I LOVE etsy! Do you like these? If so... you should see the others!

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